Pentru 45 USD pe lună, sponsorizarea dvs. va acoperi costurile pentru ca un copil să fie în programul nostru educațional. Vei avea ocazia să corespondezi, să încurajezi și să faci diferența pentru un copil care are nevoie de dragostea și sprijinul tău. Pentru mai multe informații, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la FFRFriends.Romania@gmail.com
Pentru 45 USD pe lună, sponsorizarea dvs. va acoperi costurile pentru ca un copil să fie în programul nostru educațional. Vei avea ocazia să corespondezi, să încurajezi și să faci diferența pentru un copil care are nevoie de dragostea și sprijinul tău. Pentru mai multe informații, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la FFRFriends.Romania@gmail.com
Born without legs, one would think Jen Bricker-Bauer would be destined for a life of hardship. However, the hand of destiny brought her an amazing adoptive family, who gave her one simple rule, “Never say can’t” and helped her forge a life of triumph, not tragedy. As a child, Jen was obsessed with gymnastics, and her idol was Olympic gold-medalist Dominique Moceanu. Seemingly against all odds, Jen went on to compete against able-bodied athletes, and became a State Champion in power tumbling—only later to discover Moceanu was actually her biological sister.
Always challenging herself, Jen transitioned into an accomplished acrobat and aerialist. As such, she traveled internationally with Britney Spears’ World Tour, and appeared as the headliner at the prestigious Palazzo hotel in Las Vegas, and the Shangri La hotel in Dubai.
Jen’s incredible story has been featured on multiple shows, including HBO Real Sports, 20/20, Good Morning America. and is featured in one of the well renowned TED talks, as well as speaking & performing in over 23 countries. She hopes to inspire & motivate others to BELIEVE that anything is truly possible.
Jen published her first book, Everything is Possible, that hit the New York Times Best Sellers list in 2016, as well as being translated in 11 languages.

Sponsorship Opportunities
16 tickets (2 tables) to the event
Full page ad in the program
Opportunity to make remarks during program
Prominent signage / banner at event
Inclusion in all pre and post event related news releases
Special recognition from the podium
Logo featured on the FFR website for 6 months following the event
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn recognition
8 tickets (1 table) to the event
Full page ad in the program
Signage recognition at the event
Inclusion in all pre and post event related news releases
Special recognition from the podium
Logo featured on the FFR website for 6 months following the event
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn recognition
5 tickets to the event
½ page ad in the program
Signage recognition at the event
Inclusion in all pre and post event related news releases
Special recognition from the podium
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn recognition
2 tickets to the event
½ page ad in the program
Signage recognition at the event
Inclusion in all pre and post event related news releases
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn recognition
2 tickets to the event
¼ page ad in the program
Signage recognition at the event
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn recognition